Professional Training Program

t:pro is a professional training program for students, inventors, entrepreneurs and R&D teams which offers access to the in-demand subjects, topics which are not included in the academic curriculum.
What does the training include?
CAD tools and Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
3D printing methods and materials
Applications controlled by an Arduino microprocessor
MATLAB skills: simulations, signal processing, image processing
Video editing, PowerPoint presentation
The program activities take place in an online and/or physical training format

Program Details
Varies from course to course
Meeting schedule:
Varies throughout the year.
t:hub, Ullmann building, 4th floor
Training in popular topics not covered in the academic curriculum
Additional notes:
Registration is open to everyone

Next course in t:pro
Enhancing Development Processes
with AI Tools
by Michal Levitzky
Number of sessions:
6 sessions, details in the full syllabus
Tuesdays at 17:30 via Zoom,
from October 29, 2024 to December 3, 2024
Course Goals:
Learn to use various AI tools in different fields to enhance development processes and create innovative and upgraded workflows. Sessions include: visual illustrations and animation, creating presentations, setting up bots, establishing automations, finding articles, and data analysis.
Open for:
Everyone, all levels and all degrees.
Course Language:
The course is designed in a modular format,
allowing participation in individual sessions.