Inventors Center Programs
You're invited to join one of Mehoudar Center's programs: t:invent or t:make. The inventor's center also hosts the t:pro workshop in cooperation with t:hub.
The Inventors Program - a nurturing environment for inventions and inventors

The Inventors program is the heart of the center and is designed to help develop and promote inventions that are valuable to the Israeli market and industry. Each year, the center will receive about 30 inventions that will receive varied assistance. The inventors will join our community of inventors and will be exposed to the center's activities.
Who is the t:invent for? Everyone!
Is there a participation fee? No!
Inventors Training Program

We believe that an inventor is a profession and becoming an inventor requires a training which we will provide.
We offer training that emphasizes these three subjects and include lectures, workshops, hacktons/maketons, meetings, collaborations with industry and Technion faculties.
The training will be delivered by internal or external Technion instructors and will include various experiences, starting with conceptual development to meet a need, modeling and creating prototypes and testing them.
Professional Training Program

t:pro is a professional training program for students, inventors, entrepreneurs and R&D teams which offers access to the in-demand subjects, topics which are not included in the academic curriculum.
What does the training include?
CAD tools and Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, MATLAB skills...